‘ All truly great thoughts are conceived while walking.’
How does walking help ?
Besides being a stress buster, it’s a great form of exercise in many ways !
Most important of all, it keeps the body machinery well oiled and working.
It is a complete body ‘Workout’ like swimming.
You could be walking alone, with friends, family or even with walking-companions; you could be walking for fun, exploring nature or merely as an after-meal walk that helps in the process of digestion. Walking is a form of exercise !
If you are a person that enjoys walking alone, you are sure to find it enjoyable, for one, you will be able to explore ‘beautiful nature’ without being distracted.
If on the beach or waterfront- the calm, relaxing sights are an opportunity to enjoy your ‘alone time’ close to nature enjoying the beautiful sights and sounds.
Walking with a group of friends or walking companions can be much fun too. Sharing thoughts, ideas and experiences does help clear the mind for it can be fun.
Nature walks can be very exhilarating !
There are various forms of exercise; besides walking.
Gymning- for one, is very popular among the younger generation to socialize while exercising. Meditation is generally popular among the older generation, especially for those that cannot find the time to walk due to their already very tight schedule. It can be a drag and very difficult for those that would love to go walking; but are unable to, for various reasons, possibly due to having ‘little people at home.’
I enjoy exercising at home. Simple exercises, if not everyday, once or twice a week- are cool ! Walking for an hour daily is not only good but is sure to make you feel energized and ready to go !
Considering the immense anxiety and stress that is brought on by household chores and work ,and taking into consideration the distances one would have to travel to and from the workplace, it can be crazy !
With the heightened stress levels in the modern world- any form of exercise will definitely make a difference. It helps you stay healthy !
As we grow older, we find that we have a lot of time on our hands. The time to enjoy, relax and at the same time maintain a disciplined exercise schedule. It makes a difference !
One can indulge in various activities too like; gardening; start a kitchen garden- where you can grow your own favorite vegetables.
Try out some new recipes; prepare something that you have always hoped to be able to cook or even bake. What about your favorite dishes ? It is a ‘feel good ‘experience.
Start a blog. Spend ‘Fun Time’ with grandchildren.
Do whatever makes you happy and is relaxing.
Personally, I enjoy blogging or writing about simple, interesting and exciting experiences or even an adventure. Meeting an outstanding personality. Sketching and drawing using crayons as fillers. I find this so fulfilling.
Recently, I checked out a Mall in Town and was amazed to find a variety of Art and Craft material. Ranging from the youngest through to the older ones. I found it worth writing about; it was a ‘feast for the eyes.’
Indulging in the simpler things gives a temporary window of opportunity that is sure to help a person take a deep breath and relax. Anytime is fun ! That is what walking is all about; be it in a group or alone. It helps one ‘unwind.’ The change of environment helps to lessen fatigue, cure depression, sadness and loneliness.
Changing gear and doing something else for a few minutes to get rid of any negative energies is good until such time as you’re feeling refreshed and inclined towards positivity. This is the best medicine: for your physical and mental condition.
Take a walk in Nature and you are sure to return home in a better frame of mind. Walking strengthens the heart. It builds up stamina, brisk walking is good after meals and is highly recommended.
Walking, and walking is a good way to stay healthy.