Change implies making either an essential difference
often amounting
To a loss, original identity or
Substitution of one thing for another.
So wanted ! To take a peep outside
For I am an outside person
BJust to glance at what
The outside World was like
Considering and
Hoping that the weather had gotten rid of
The heat and the bright, very bright sunlight
Driving people crazy, me too.
Hoping for a change as
The days grow shorter.
Only, to feel a cool wintry coolness
As I peeped outside my door.
The cool air, all wintry ! is what came to mind.
Taking me back to the fall of
Yesteryears when things were
Very very different.
People attending to their usual
Early morning rituals.
Some hanging out clothes, children on their way to school
Housewives enjoying a cup of tea.
The sunbeams yet, dancing in
The Rays of the early morning sunlight
Promising a beautiful bright day
Filled with Hope, much Joy and lovely autumn
In this month of October.
With immense promises and
Miracles to look forward to !
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